Brooks Atkinson Theatre
256 W 47th St
New York, NY 10036
Opened April 14th 2015 | Closed August 9th 2015
Book and Lyrics by Brian Hargrove
Music by Barbara Anselmi
Directed by David Hyde Pierce
Music Direction by Lawrence Yurman
Choreography by Josh Rhodes
Lisa Howard on Her Latest Broadway Show, ‘It Shoulda Been You’ -The New York Times
Please visit www.itshouldabeenyou.com for more information
The Story
The bride is Jewish. The groom is Catholic. Her mother is a force of nature, his mother is a tempest in a cocktail shaker. And when the bride’s ex-boyfriend shows up, the perfect wedding starts to unravel faster than you can whistle “Here Comes the Bride! Plots are hatched, pacts are made, secrets exposed – and the sister of the bride is left to turn a tangled mess into happily ever after!